What Is a Ball Valve?- Parts, Types, And Working

Valves are made in a variety of types and sizes. As its basic function, a valve is simply a device that can be opened or closed to the flow of liquids of gasses. A kitchen faucet is a great example of a valve we use every day. In this article, we’re going to discuss one type in particular, the ball valve.

What Is a Ball Valve?

A ball valve is a form of quarter-turn valve that uses a pivoting ball that has been drilled through to control flow. When the hole is in line with the flow direction, it allows fluids or gasses to pass through.Alternatively, when the ball is turned 90 degrees, the flow is stopped completely.

In either case, the handle serves as a visual indicator of the valve’s status. If the handle is parallel to the valve, it’s open. In contrast, if the handle is perpendicular, the valve is closed.

Ball valves are incredibly robust valves and great for applications where a simple on/off action is needed. They’re durable and maintain their ability to perform consistently after many cycles.

Additionally, they have excellent reliability and close securely even after long periods of disuse. Flow rate can also be controlled by partially opening or closing the valve to various degrees.

These qualities make them an excellent choice for shutoff and control applications over gate and globe style valves. However, ball valves lack the finite control that these other valves offer for throttling applications.

How Does Ball Valve Work?

A ball valve is a shut-off valve that allows or obstructs the flow of liquids and gases in a piping system by rotating the ball having a bore inside the valve for 90°. The ball is mounted against two seats and has a stem that connects it to the operating and control mechanism that rotates the ball.

When the cross-section of the bore is perpendicular to the area of the flow, the fluid is not permitted to pass through the valve. Otherwise, the fluid flows out from the valve.

Ball valves are one of the quarter-turn valves along with plug valves and butterfly valves. They are widely used in piping systems. They can be operated manually or by using an actuator. The simplest operation of a ball valve is through the use of a wrench or a lever manually turned by an operator.

A torque is applied to rotate the lever arm by 90° either clockwise or counterclockwise to open or close the valve. If the lever arm is parallel to the pipe, it indicates that the valve is open. On the other hand, if the lever arm is perpendicular to the pipe, it indicates that the valve is closed.

The operation of a ball valve is only limited to shut-off and on. It is not advisable to utilize ball valves for throttling as they lack fine controls for flow rate regulation.

Parts of a Ball Valve

Ball valves are constructed with several crucial components:

Parts of a Ball Valve
  • Valve Body. This is the main part of the valve and contains all of the components for on/off control.
  • Rotary Ball. The ball is designed with a center bore (hole) that the media flows through. The direction of the ball is controlled by turning the stem.
  • Stem. This connects the ball to the external control mechanism. For example, in a manual ball valve the stem is connected to a handle or lever.
  • Seats. These are discs that lie in between the body and the ball. Seats provide a seal between the two and also support the ball.
  • Power Source. The stem of the ball valve is rotated using manual or actuated power sources. Manual actuation includes levers and handles that are controlled by an operator. Automated power sources like electric, pneumatic and hydraulic actuation are also available.
  • Packing. This is a seal around the stem that prevents the media from escaping.
  • Bonnet. The bonnet is the part of the body that contains the stem and packing.

Types of Ball Valve

There are four general body styles of ball valves: single body, split body, top entry, and welded. There are four general types of ball valves: full port, standard port, reduced port, and v port.

  • A full port ball valve has an oversized ball so that the hole in the ball is the same size as the pipeline resulting in lower friction loss. Flow is unrestricted, but the valve is larger.
  • A standard port ball valve is usually less expensive, but has a smaller ball and a correspondingly smaller port. Flow through this valve is one pipe size smaller than the valve’s pipe size resulting in slightly restricted flow.  In reduced port ball valves, flow through the valve is one pipe sizes smaller than the valve’s pipe size resulting in restricted flow.
  • A v port ball valve (Venturi port) has either a ‘v’ shaped ball or a ‘v’ shaped seat. This allows the orifice to be opened and closed in a more controlled manner with a closer to linear flow characteristic. When the valve is in the closed position and opening is commenced the small end of the ‘v’ is opened first allowing stable flow control during this stage. This type of design requires a generally more robust construction due to higher velocities of the fluids, which would quickly damage a standard valve.
  • A trunnion ball valve has a mechanical means of anchoring the ball at the top and the bottom, this design is usually applied on larger and higher-pressure valves (say 4 inch and above 600 psi and above)
  • Manually operated ball valves can be closed quickly and thus there is a danger of water hammer. Some ball valves are equipped with an actuator that may be pneumatically or motor (electric) operated. These valves can be used either for on/off or flow control. A pneumatic flow control valve is also equipped with a positioner which transforms the control signal into actuator position and valve opening accordingly.

Ball Valve Types Based on Valve Housing:

The ball valve divides into the following commonly used types.

1. Single Body or One-Piece Ball Valve:

Single body or one-piece valve includes in the famous types of the ball valve. It has a solid cast body to reduce the risk of leakage. It is the cheapest type of ball valve. These types of ball valves cannot open for maintenance or cleaning. Single body valves are typically used in less demanding functions. Single body valves often have smaller openings, are relatively cheap, and are generally disposable.

2. Two-Piece Ball Valve:

The two-piece valve consists of two parts; one part has an end joint and body, the second is attached to the 1st part, the trim is attached in place, and includes the second end joint. This valve can disassemble for inspection, maintenance, and cleaning.

To separate the two parts, it must be completely detached from the pipeline. The inside diameter of a two-piece ball valve is usually slightly condensed and can be used or repaired once.

3. Three Piece Body Valve:

These types of ball valves have three parts: a body and two end caps. Usually, all three parts are bolted together. The three-piece design makes it easy to remove the valve‘s core, including the seat, stem, and ball, from the pipe.

This allows you to effectively remove debris, replace seats and seals, and minor polish scratches on the ball without removing the tubing from the valve body. The advantage of this personification is that the valve can repair without eliminating the valve from the pipe. Compared to other types of ball valves, these have a high price.

4. Top Entry Valve:

It is a type of ball valve that assembles the ball from its side part of the top section. The body of this valve allows the seat and ball to be repaired without disassembling the valve. This is the first choice for a larger valve body. It is not necessary to remove the valve from the pipeline.

It is usually made of cast metal. Since it is made by casting, some additional NDT testing is required to ensure that the casting process is free from defects. The benefit of these types of ball valves is that their design allows for minimal threaded connections and minimizes leakage paths.

5. Side Entry Ball Valves:

It is a type of ball valve where the ball assembles from the side part. Mostly, it assembles in 2 or 3 parts of the body. Each body part assembles with screws/studs, such as to connect two flanges’ pieces. Side entry ball valves are generally made of forged metal.

Assemble each body part after forging. This design minimizes defects caused by the casting valve. These valves have an easy assembly. Its trim also has a comfortable alignment. These types of ball valves have quick delivery times while casting products requires additional testing.

6. Welded Body Ball Valves:

It is a fully welded valve and does not pass-through leakage paths by bolt connections. It cannot be repaired on-site. These types of ball valves use are used in buried or underground applications where maintenance is not desirable, like in subsea and gas transport purposes.

All body welding processes are suitable for construction materials and are identified and carried out according to the relevant criteria. The non-destructive testing (NDTS) must also be accomplished on the perimeter welded joints of the body.

Advantages of ball valves

  • Efficiency: Ball valves don’t need any lubrication, and offer a bubble-tight seal with low torque.
  • Affordability: They can often be purchased at a considerably lower cost than comparable products for the same job.
  • Durability: They offer a long service life and, when used under the right conditions, will provide many years of reliable use. Ball valves are less prone to damage than other kinds of valves, and the plastic variety aren’t susceptible to corrosion.
  • Easy to use: Ball valves are relatively quick and easy to install, and plastic ball valves are light and easy to handle.
  • Versatile: They’re appropriate for a wide range of industrial applications where it’s necessary to regulate the flow of liquids or gases.
  • Strong: Ball valves can maintain and regulate high pressure, high volume and a high flow of temperature.
  • Simple to repair: Easily access the seats when a valve requires fixing.

Disadvantages of ball valves

The main disadvantages of these valves are as follows:

  • Poor throttling characteristics: In a throttling position, the partially exposed seat may be prone to erosion as a result of high velocity flows. They’re therefore not recommended for sustained throttling applications.
  • Wear and tear: When used to regulate the wrong types of fluids, such as slurries, ball valves can stick in position and become jammed due to suspended particles being trapped. This can cause the valve to wear, or to become damaged or stuck.


What is a ball valve used for?

Ball valves are shut-off valves used to allow or obstruct the flow of fluids by rotating the ball having a bore inside it by 900. They can be operated manually or by an actuator. Ball valves consist of the ball, shaft, and seat which are contained in the valve housing.

What is the difference between a ball valve and a regular valve?

Ball valves are smaller than gate valves, but they require more space for operation. A manual ball valve requires a lever that can turn 90° but a manual gate valve can operate with a small handwheel. Some ball valves are available with small form factor handle options, such as wing or round-style handles.

How to tell if a ball valve is open or closed?

Ball valves are very intuitive. When it is off, the handle is perpendicular to the pipe, providing a nice visual representation that it is blocking flow. The valve is on when the handle is parallel with the pipe. This is true for all ball valves, unless something went terribly wrong in manufacturing.

How do you control a ball valve?

Ball valve open close direction: which one to handle face
When the handle is turned clockwise, it closes the valve, and opens the valve when turned counterclockwise, the easiest valve to open and close.

What are the disadvantages of ball valves?

As well as having limited accuracy in controlling flow rate, operating in a partially open position for long periods of time can cause the soft seats of the valve to deform around the edge of the hole in the ball, possibly causing it to become locked in that position.

What is the most common application for a ball valve?

Ball valves are used as fluid shutdown valves in onshore and offshore oil and gas production facilities. Another primary use of ball valves is to supply furnaces using fuel gas systems. With the least amount of pressure loss, ball valves can regulate the flow of high-pressure gases and liquids.