What is a Digital Manometer and How To Use It?

What is a Digital Manometer?

A manometer is an instrument that is used for measuring pressure in meteorological settings as well as operations of compressor systems. There are two main types of manometers; analog and digital.

Digital manometers are devices that are capable of measuring pressure and its variations across two points that are a part of the same system-this these are known as differential pressure. Differential pressure is of great importance to weather forecasters, among others.

The digital manometer is also used at homes to monitor propane-driven appliances such as barbeque grills, maintain and detect faults in air conditioning systems and detect gas leaks very quickly.

Digital manometers offer a hoard of advantages over their traditional counterparts unlike analog manometers, digital manometers are handheld devices that can be used to gauge pressure anywhere and don’t mandate leveled surfaces to accurately monitor pressure.

Digital manometers can be easily interfaced with computers, enabling one to record all observations easily and hence have taken over the online marketplace by storm.

How does a digital manometer work?

Unlike traditional manometers, digital manometers do not rely on a hydrostatic balance of fluids (water/mercury) in order to detect pressure. Rather, they come with a component known as a pressure transducer that converts the level of pressure observed into an electric signal/value; the value can then be recorded as the amount of pressure present. There are usually three types of electrical variables used by pressure transducers: resistive, capacitive, and inductive.

Digital Manometer

List of Tips and Tricks to Accurately Measure Pressure Using a Digital Manometer

Here are a few ways to measure air pressure accurately with the help of a digital manometer:

1. Installation of New Batteries

Installing new batteries, prior to making pressure readings with the help of a digital manometer, is always good practice if you are looking at getting true readings. Sometimes, even new digital manometers with seemingly new batteries give incorrect readings because their batteries are not up to the mark.

2. Mandatory Zero Adjustments

The restore toggle or the zero toggles brings back the display to null, enabling you to keep all potential errors and discrepancies at bay.

3. Measurement of Static Pressure

Static pressure can be measured with the use of a digital manometer; a positive pressure implies pressure more than that of atmosphere and a negative pressure affirms that the pressure is below atmospheric pressure.

When the measurement of static pressure is required in situations where the flow is relatively uniform and stable, insertion tubes may be brought to use.

4. Use of Backlight Feature

At times, pressure readings are required in environments that are either poorly lit or completely dark. To be able to view the readings in such conditions, some digital manometers are equipped with the backlight feature; this feature lights the screen up for two minutes before automatically turning off to conserve battery. In order to use the backlight feature, the digital manometer must be first turned off. Post that, its power button should be held down continuously for a couple of seconds, for the backlight to turn on.

5. Use of Memory Feature

A lot of times, the user of the digital manometer may feel the need to record multiple pressure readings for either reviewing later or observing a specific pattern. As an answer to this problem, some digital manometers are built with a memory that can store multiple pressure recordings.  There are indicators on the screens of the digital manometers that display the number of saved pressure readings. The readings are saved by entering the memory mode of the manometers.

What are its applications?

A digital manometer differs from the analog in the use of a pressure transducer rather than water/ mercury. They can be used to monitor home appliances powered by propane such as barbecue grills.

It can instantly detect gas leaks as well as faults in air conditioning systems. Other uses include maintenance of HVAC systems, monitoring gas pressure in piping and compressor systems, measuring fluid flow and blood pressure, etc.

What are the advantages of a digital manometer over a traditional manometer?

Digital manometers have a lot of advantages compared to their traditional counterparts, particularly their ease of use and for that reason, they have taken the marketplace by storm. Some advantages of using digital manometers include:

  • Digital manometers can be used to measure pressure anywhere.
  • They don’t rely on non-metric fluids, which means they do not require leveled surfaces to provide accurate readings.
  • They can easily be linked to computers and programmable logic controllers (PLC).
  • They are lightweight and portable.
  • Their displays and values are easy to read.
  • They are capable of correcting deviations from standard conditions with the help of software programming.


What is a digital manometer used for?

Digital manometers can be used to measure pressure anywhere. They don’t rely on non-metric fluids, which means they do not require leveled surfaces to provide accurate readings. They can easily be linked to computers and programmable logic controllers (PLC). They are lightweight and portable.

Are digital manometers accurate?

These instruments are light weight, approximately 1 pound, and are available with accuracies from 0.2% to 0.025%.

What is a manometer used for?

A manometer is a measuring instrument that measures the pressure of a fluid or gas in a confined space, for example in a boiler. A manometer indicates the pressure relative to the atmospheric pressure.

Which manometer is more accurate?

U-tube manometers are slightly more complex, employing a liquid column to measure pressure differences. The inclined manometer, with its elongated measurement base, provides a higher degree of accuracy, especially for smaller pressure differences.

What is the difference between a manometer and an anemometer?

Barometers, manometers and anemometers are all scientific instruments. Scientists use barometers and manometers to measure atmospheric pressure, while anemometers measure wind speed.

Does a manometer need to be calibrated?

The accuracy assurance is only valid for new instruments from ADC, and other reputable manufacturers, on new or factory serviced instruments. This is also why we recommend that you periodically check the calibration of your manometers every 2 years using a reference instrument with a known accuracy.