Laser Tube Cutting: Process, Types, Materials, Advantages

What Is Laser Tube Cutting?

Laser tube cutting is the process and technique used to cut tubes, structural shapes, or channels. The process will cut these items to the length needed. It can also cut out holes or designs in the tubing.

It is a precise cutting technique. It can also be used on a wide variety of materials in all shapes and sizes. When considering using laser tube cutting, look for a metal fabricator with years of experience in laser cutting.

Tube laser cutting is exactly what it sounds like: a machining process used for cutting tubes of various shapes to specified lengths or for lasering patterns into tubes.

This automated process is much faster and more precise than the common alternative: sawing through tubes or manually drilling holes.

what is laser tube cutting

2-Axis or 3-Axis

Laser tube cutting equipment comes in a variety of types that can handle different cutting needs.

A 2-axis machine cuts tubes in 2 dimensions. They are good for cutting to length. They also work well for producing features and joints to use between tube pieces in structures.

A 3-axis laser tube cutter cuts in 3 dimensions. These machines are used for chamfering or tilt cutting.

How Does Laser Tube Cutting Work?

As mentioned above, laser beams pierce through walls of metal tubes or pipes. The laser beam is focused on the surface of the tube, creating a narrow and intense beam of light that melts and vaporizes the metal.

The laser cutting machine utilizes a powerful laser beam that focuses on the materials and vaporizes the metal at contact, producing an excellent clean cut.

As we talked about above, laser tube cutting is a precision machining process that utilizes a high-powered laser to cut through various types of metal tubes or pipes with accuracy and efficiency. Here’s an overview of how it works.


A tube or pipe is mounted to a machine to help hold things in place during the cut. Most of the time, the laser cutting machine is programmed with a specific cutting pattern and dimensions.


The laser beam focuses on the surface using a lens that helps determine the thickness and width of the laser cut.


The beam is activated along the tube to create the cut. The laser cuts through the tube wall, leaving a smooth and precise edge.


After the cut, sharp edges or burrs are removed through post-processing techniques such as deburring or sanding.

What Are The Most Important Preparations For Tube Laser Cutting?

Before diving into the laser tube cutting process, there are some preparations to ensure smooth operation:

  • Material Selection: Ensure the material chosen is of good quality and suited for laser cutting.
  • Machine Check: Ensure the machine is in proper working condition and has been serviced recently.
  • Safety Gear: Ensure you have the necessary safety gear, like goggles and gloves.
  • Design Verification: Ensure the digital design is free of errors and is optimized for laser cutting.

Safety tips when laser tube cutting

Safety should always be a priority. Here are some vital safety tips:

  • Always wear protective goggles to protect against laser flashes.
  • Ensure the workspace is well-ventilated to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.
  • Make sure there’s an emergency stop button within reach in case of any issues.
  • Never leave the machine unattended while it’s in operation.

Why Use Tube Laser Cutting?

Tube laser cutting offers several advantages over traditional methods. It is more precise, faster, and can easily cut complex shapes and patterns. It also produces less waste material and is more environmentally friendly.

Automated laser tube cutting machines can run high-volume parts with automatic loading and part unloading while also being able to cost-effectiveness cut a low-volume component because of the fast setup and changeover times.

The most significant value of laser tube cutting becomes apparent when considering the laser’s capabilities during a product’s design stage.

Speed, quality, flexibility, and repeatability are benefits that can be used to the designer’s advantage.

What Are The Different Types Of Laser Tube Cutting Machines?

There are primarily two dominant types of laser cutters used in laser tube cutting: Fiber laser cutters and CO2 fiber laser cutters.

Fiber laser cutters

Fiber laser cutting has taken the forefront in modern metal fabrication processes, primarily due to their remarkable efficiency and precision.

These laser tube cutting machines rely on diode banks, which are compact modules, to generate the laser.

The very nature of these diodes and their construction allows the laser to be produced in a more streamlined and energy-conserving manner.

Unlike traditional CO2 lasers, fiber lasers boast a higher wall plug efficiency, essentially meaning that they can achieve more with less energy consumed.

This not only benefits the environment but also reduces operational costs for industries utilizing these machines.

Beyond the energy efficiency, one of the standout features of fiber lasers is their small beam diameter.

This minuscule beam diameter is pivotal in ensuring precise cuts, giving users the ability to achieve intricate designs and patterns with unmatched accuracy.

This precision is essential for industries where even a minor mistake can translate into substantial financial losses.


  • Greater efficiency with >40% wall plugs efficiency.
  • Capable of laser tube cutting reflective materials due to smaller wavelength.
  • Less maintenance, no mirror cleaning required.
  • Modules offer redundancy; minor issues won’t shut down the entire resonator.


  • Requires clean chiller water and routine air filter replacements.

CO2 Fiber Laser Cutters

CO2 laser cutters, while they might seem overshadowed by the advancements of fiber lasers, still hold a significant position in many industries due to their robustness and versatility. These machines harness a combination of gases and electricity to generate the laser beam.

The creation of the laser in CO2 machines is a more intricate process. As electricity is introduced to a mix of gases, it produces the laser beam, which is then intensified with the help of mirrors.

While they have served many fabrications needs over the years, CO2 lasers inherently require more energy, given the complex process involved in beam generation.


  • Can handle a variety of materials effectively.
  • Proven technology with a track record in the industry.


  • Higher power consumption due to lower efficiency.
  • Bigger beam size might lead to less intricate details.
  • Total shutdown likely if any resonator issues arise.

What Are The Materials Suitable For Laser Tube Cutting?

Laser tube cutting technology has come a long way in enhancing productivity across multiple industries.

Not only is it a precise cutting solution, but it’s also versatile in handling a plethora of materials.

Each of these materials, boasting its unique properties, lends itself to various applications, making laser cutting an invaluable process in modern fabrication.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel stands as one of the most commonly used materials in various industries, primarily because of its resilience.

Its innate resistance to corrosion, rust, and staining ensures longevity, making it an ideal choice for projects that demand durability.

  • Austenitic: Non-magnetic and known for its formability and ductility.
  • Ferritic: Magnetic stainless steel that has a high chromium, low carbon composition.
  • Duplex: Combines the best of both austenitic and ferritic, offering increased strength.
  • Martensitic: Magnetic with a high carbon content, often used for cutting tools.


Aluminum’s reputation in the world of manufacturing and construction can’t be understated. Its lightweight nature combined with substantial resistance to corrosion makes it the preferred material for many industries, especially where weight and durability are primary concerns.

  • Pure Aluminum: Offers excellent corrosion resistance and is often used for its electrical conductivity.
  • Aluminum Alloys: Enhanced strength and hardness, commonly used in aerospace and automotive applications.


Titanium’s prominence in high-end applications, particularly in aerospace and medical industries, is undeniable. Its amalgamation of strength, lightness, and resistance to corrosion makes it a sought-after material, especially for components that need to withstand extreme conditions.

  • Pure Titanium: Recognized for its superior corrosion resistance.
  • Titanium Alloys: Known for their increased strength and ability to withstand high temperatures.


Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, is renowned for its golden appearance and malleability. Its capacity to resist corrosion, coupled with its acoustic properties, makes it a prime choice for musical instruments, decorative items, and several industrial applications.


Copper is a highly conductive metal, making it indispensable in electrical applications. Its notable thermal conductivity and natural ability to resist bacterial growth also lend it to uses in various industries, from plumbing to medical.


While not a metal, plastics have carved their niche in the laser cutting realm. Certain types of plastics can be cleanly and efficiently cut using a laser, resulting in smooth edges and intricate designs.

The diversity of plastics, from acrylics to polycarbonates, ensures they meet a broad spectrum of needs across industries.

Advantages Of Tube Laser Cutting

When it comes to cutting metal tubes and other structural shapes, a manufacturer with tube laser cutting services can offer these key benefits:

1. Speed.

Any opportunity to automate a process not only reduces the time it takes to cut your parts, it allows for faster lead times as well.

2. Precision.

Known for its precision, tube laser cutting is ideal for complex parts. When cutting intricate pieces into tubes so that they fit against each other—a process known as coping—it’s important to have a machine that can handle any type of cut. With a tube laser cutting machine, we’re not limited to 45 or 90-degree cuts. Instead, we can cut any type of shape into the end of the tube—whether it’s circular, diagonal, or something else entirely.

3. Efficiency.

Because tube laser cutters are so precise, additional processes are often unnecessary. This level of efficiency streamlines many projects, such as performing tabbing operations to mark locations for welders. Pre-cutting holes in structural tubing is also conducive to fastening operations.

4. Flexibility.

If you need a flexible part, a tube laser cutter can cut bends into the tube to provide a wide range of motion.

5. Custom branding.

Tube laser cutters don’t just cut the ends of tubes, they also laser patterns and designs onto a piece of tubing. Want your branding featured on any (or every) part? Ameritex can make it happen!

What Are The Industries That Utilize Tube And Pipe Laser Cutting?

Laser tube cutting technology has been embraced by a multitude of industries due to its undeniable benefits. Let’s delve into some of the industries and their applications.

1. Construction and Architecture.

Laser cutting tubes find their application in creating beams, trusses, and other structural elements. The precision and consistency of the laser ensure that each piece is identical, leading to safer and more efficient buildings.

2. Automotive.

In the automotive industry, laser-cut tubes are used in making parts like exhaust systems, frames, and even intricate components for engines. The rapid production times and high accuracy are essential for this fast-paced industry.

3. Medical Devices.

Precision is paramount in the medical field. Laser cutting is employed to produce surgical instruments, equipment frames, and even parts for prosthetics.

4. Furniture Manufacturing.

The flexibility of the laser tube cutting machine allows furniture designers to craft unique, intricate pieces with ease. Whether it’s chair frames or ornate table legs, laser cutting offers a solution.

What Are Alternative Technologies And Processes Used For Cutting Pipes And Tubes?

Beyond laser cutting, the industry offers multiple methods for processing tubes and pipes. Each comes with its unique advantages and limitations.

Alternative processes include:

  • Mechanical Cutting: Utilizes saws, shears, or rotary cutters. While efficient for certain tasks, they might not provide the precision of lasers.
  • Plasma Cutting: Offers a higher cutting speed than lasers for thicker metals, but might not deliver the same degree of accuracy.
  • Waterjet Cutting: A versatile method suitable for a variety of materials, it doesn’t generate heat, making it perfect for materials that might be affected by thermal processes.

Comparing these to laser tube cutting, the latter stands out in terms of speed, precision, and versatility, especially when intricate designs and tight tolerances are crucial.

Lasers also require minimal setup, making them ideal for short-run jobs or projects requiring rapid changeovers.